FLavor Bitter

Flavor Bitter

The leader of the Fatal Flavors, Flavor Bitter! She’s the stubborn and no-nonsense head of the group of villainous magical girls. Running on a coffee addiction and spite, she leads her sisters to fight for evil!

Flavor Sour

Flavor Sour

The sassy and troublemaking second-in-command of the Fatal Flavors, Flavor Sour! Sour is the most “normal” sister of the bunch, and gets in constant fights with Bitter about anything and everything. An overconfident underachiever, she thinks she would be a better leader than her older sister, but can never prove it.

Flavor Savory

Flavor Savory

The resident meathead of the sisters, Flavor Savory! Savory is an energetic gym junkie, and the perfect henchman for whichever sister decides to recruit her into their plan of the week. She loves fighting, and is perpetually positive, even when being beaten. After all, it’s a chance to learn and become a better fighter!

Flavor Salty

Flavor Salty

The smart girl of the sisters, Flavor Salty! Salty is a pint-sized forum dweller, stream-sniper, and troll to anyone who has the misfortune of encountering her. Only thing is — she’s also a coward. She can certainly dish it, but taking it is a whole other game.

Flavor Sweet

Flavor Sweet

Last sister, but certainly not least, it’s Flavor Sweet! Don’t let that candy exterior fool you, though, because she’s not any less evil than the rest of her sisters. She’s the type to knock you to the ground, giggle, and skip over your body.



You’ve met all the sisters, so it’s time to meet the papa! Introducing Father, the gentle and loving parent of the Fatal Flavors. Juggling five girls prophesied to be taken out at the hands of a team of magical girls is a full time job, and he’s… well, he’s trying his best. Some may call his approach to parenting a bit soft, but he really loves his girls!

The Charm Cadets

The Charm Cadets

A team of good magical girls, and the antagonists of our story. Comprised of leader Charm Kind, second-in-command Charm Friendly, and heart of the team Charm Passion, they work with Facet, an extradimensional cat who represents the Flower Jewel Kingdom! Blah blah blah, find two other magical girls to round out the team, blah blah blah, save the world, WHO CARES?!? The Fatal Flavors sure don’t!